Wednesday, August 28, 2019

2019 CSA Week 11 News

Greetings from Dancing Hen Farm!

Welcome to Week 11 of our CSA.  Week 11 boxes were delivered today, Wednesday, and, is an egg week.

Attention Chicken Share members.  Next week, will be a chicken week.  Chicken will be delivered with our CSA box deliveries on Wednesday, September 4th.  Please remember to check for a cooler at your pick up site with your chicken share inside.  Please leave the cooler at your pick up site.

Haven't these recent cooler temperatures been beautiful!  And can you believe this weekend is already Labor Day and that most schools have already started for the year.  We have a family picnic planned for Sunday, so we are hoping the predicted showers hold off until the evening.  Looking at the long range weather forecast, it looks as though cooler temperatures are here for awhile.  Cooler temperatures are good for the people and animals at Dancing Hen Farm, but not good for some of our crops.  These cooler temperatures tend to bring disease to our tomatoes and slow the growth of most of our other heat loving crops.

Speaking of crops and a change in the air.  A change is on its way for our harvest.  Cucumbers and corn are over for the year.  We will do our best to get as many tomatoes out as possible.  Greens are in the ground and we are awaiting them to size up for harvest.  Our collard green planting has done well this year, although the planting is small.  Peppers are starting to be harvest.  We have our fingers crossed a late planting of summer squash will produce, but only time will tell.  Next week we will begin to make winter squash varieties available.  Fall cabbage is looking good.  We are hoping our last planting of beans will reach maturity before the end of the growing season.

It is also the time of year to talk about pastured pork.  This year's pastured pork will be available the end of October or the beginning of November.  Now is the time to reserve your pork for the freezer.  We sell both half and whole pigs.  The meat is processed in a USDA inspected facility and comes wrapped and frozen, ready for your freezer.  We only raise a small number of pigs and only a portion of those raised are available as freezer meat.  The remaining meat is sold by the piece through our buying club and at farmers markets we attend.  If you would like to reserve pork this year or have questions, please contact us at the farm.
The kitchen was busy again this week with canning and preserving.  On Saturday, I made a large batch of pesto  to freeze.  To freeze, I put the pesto in small jars and top them with a bit of  olive oil.  This pesto will be a real treat this winter!  Then on Sunday and Monday, my sister and I made and canned tomato sauce.  Sunday we ran the tomatoes through the food mill to extract the juice and some pulp.  I cooked the sauce down Sunday night and then on Monday we re-heated the sauce and filled the canners for processing.  We were excited to have all jars seal!  We are still hoping to can some applesauce a bit later in the fall.  I may also try to can at least one batch of slicing tomatoes, depending on how the tomatoes hold up to this cooler weather.

Once again, it seems to be getting late.  I still have supper dishes to clean up, so I will end here, in Farmer Don's words: "be safe, be well and enjoy those veggies".

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