Week 2 - 2014 Newsletter
Welcome to week two. A nice week weather wise. Hot and sticky in the beginning of the week (the air conditioner finally went in - thanks Neil!), a touch of rain, then less humid but still warm. The farm processed our first batch of broiler chickens this past week. These will be available for purchase on the buying club. I'll provide more details about the buying club in another email.
More farm news includes Rosie, one of our farm dogs, met up with a porcupine on Sunday. Luckily she only had about a dozen quills around her mouth so we were able to get them out. A lesson learned there.
On to the crop report. Garlic scapes and green garlic will be going out for the next few weeks. Looks we'll be digging up our first bed of new potatoes shortly. Tomatoes and tomatillos look real good, as we build higher and higher trellises. A nice variety of, though small amounts , of herbs are growing as well. Lots of basil and parsley should be planted this week. Lettuce continues to head up well. Snow peas are coming on in abundance. These work really well in a stir fry. Sugar snap peas shouldn't be far behind. Beets and carrots are being weeded and watered regularly in anticipation of a strong future crop. Zucchini and yellow squash will be coming on in big numbers shortly. This week's harvest of squash is more of a "gourmet" size. Pickling and Slicing cucumbers are flowering up nicely. Winter squash should be all planted this week. Kale and chard are regrowing after their first harvest, and hopefully the groundhog will allow us to harvest broccoli. The first run of Asian greens are just about done, with some small plantings left to harvest.
Finally a quick thanks to Nut Creek Farm and Mad Dog Farm for helping us to share the harvest.
Please remember to return boxes as we strive to be as sustainable as possible. Also please treat our boxes gently, remembering to slide open the tops to avoid tearing them.
Have a great week, be safe and be well,
Farmer Don