Sunday, March 6, 2022

2022 March, Spring is coming

Hi Friends of Dancing Hen Farm....we've moved into March, cool, now hopefully we can keep snow and cold weather away, looking to get peas in the ground , St. Pats day is the traditional planting day...fields are still defrosting so still too early to get out just yet.....starting some seeds in the house.......

so, the message for tonight's newsletter is to ask our community to follow us on instagram......I'm doing all I can to post the farm experience for all of you to share....we are planning a farm open house sometime in May, so everyone can visit the farm and see where the sustainable agriculture you support is produced. are on instagram.. look us up . .. trying to share the farm as best I've been with us for over 15 years now, I can finally show the farm to you... enjoy and feel free to comment...I will do my best to show you anything on the farm...gonna seed micro greens tomorrow, let's follow them from seed to your family..........psyched to involve our community in what you support us to do.......

Be Well Friends,

Farmer Don