Hi Friends!
Just a quick couple of notes here. Number one - thank you to all our friends who have signed up for 2018 and are continuing the journey into sustainable agriculture with us! Knowledge and experience grow each year we are able to share the harvest with our friends and supporters! As I've said many time in the past, we couldn't do it with out you!!
Speaking of knowledge, I'm off to Hershey next week for the annual Fruit and Growers Convention. Many applicable workshops and of learning to be had. Looking forward to catching up with some of my grower friends and sharing notes and ideas to keep the wheels rolling.
The farm is enjoying the break from the really cold weather a few weeks back. This has allowed us to start up the seed house. Had to tweak the germination chamber a little, and will continue to do this until I'm really happy with the system, but boy it's fun these sunny days to be out in the "farmer Don man cave" with seeds, warm soil, barn cats, the dogs coming and going, bluegrass on the juke box, and dreams of fresh veggies around the corner. Next up is get one of the seed tables set up so farmer Joan and farmer Don can play some cards out in the cave.
And also I need to send a thanks out to all the support Farmer Joan has received from our community in the past few weeks. Can't say how much this means to us here on the farm to know we're not alone as we go through a small rough patch. Keep your good vibes, prayers and well wishes coming our way as we can feel these raise us up in tough times. Again, friends it's all about community!! And from us, love, hugs and good wishes are bouncing back to all of you! Be well!
Finally, I can announce that we are up and running for 2018 CSA sign ups. Right now early bird discounts end on the 31st but I may extend this into February. Gotta consult with the brains behind the organization to get her approval!
Time to poach some salmon and put it over some salad, simple dinner but good. Chicken fried rice worked well last nice, and hey we have some nice chicken ready to go so stay in touch with the buying club.
Thanks again for the support, be well,
Farmer Don