Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Buying Club for May 30 and 31

Greetings from Dancing Hen Farm!

Yes, there will be a buying club delivery this week. 

Ordering is now open and will remain open until 11 pm on Thursday.  Deliveries will be Friday (5/30) at Bloom Naturally from 5:30 to 6 pm and on Saturday we will be in Dallas (100 Lake Street) from 10 to 10:30 am and in Forty Fort (900 Rutter Ave) from 11 to 11:30.  Please look for either our white van or silver Subaru.   If you are having trouble with pick up, please call Joan's cell phone (570-204-3649).

This week we are adding napa cabbage and vitamin green to the buying club.  Vitamin green is an asian cooking green with a mild flavor, similar to bok choy or komatsuna.  Try vitamin green in a stir fry or raw in salads.
Right now is probably our busiest time on farm as we race to get everything planted.  This week we are planting cabbage, lettuce, summer squash, tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, herbs and greens out in the field.  In the seed house, we have completed seeding of eggplant, peppers and winter squash for transplant in a few weeks and are continually seeding crops such as lettuce, kale and swiss chard which are planted in rotation throughout the growing season. 

Crops are looking good, although we feel everything is still at least two weeks behind due to the cool extended spring.  Most everything we have planted recently is really taking off and looking beautiful.  However, some of the crops we planted early, when soil temperatures were still cool, are struggling to really take hold. 

We still have a few spots remaining in the our CSA for 2014.  Please remember CSA members will receive first choice on all harvested crops.  Farmer Don is walking our fields nightly to determine when our first CSA delivery will be, based on maturity of crops.  Emails will be going out shortly to CSA members concerning the start of the season.

If you have questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for your continued support of our farm and local agriculture.

Farmer Don and Joan
Dancing Hen Farm

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