Thursday, May 5, 2016

May News

Greetings from a soggy and cool Dancing Hen Farm!

Recently, I had been complaining about how dry it is here on farm.  Dry enough to cause a delay in germination of our peas and dry enough that Farmer Don has already been watering some of our field plots.  Well, the rain has come and we are thankful.  We could use some warmer temperatures, which hopefully will return next week.  The rain already has our fields greening up and the weeds, well growing like weeds.  Some of our crops’ growth is stalling with the lack of sun and warmth, but with all this nice moisture, once the sun returns things should really take off.

We are happy to say, despite the late freezing temperatures, our apple trees are blooming.  Blooms seem spottier than years past and we are not certain if this is due to the recent cool temperatures or the freeze.  It will be a waiting game to see if the trees set fruit.  Stay tuned for Dancing Hen Farm ugly apples this fall!

The farmers have been busy the last few weeks.  Our peas are germinated and stakes are in place ready for peas to be trellised.  The first planting of string beans is in the ground, as well as direct seeded lettuce and some red potatoes.  Radishes have germinated and we are waiting from them to size up.  This rain should help push the radishes along.  We have a small bed of carrots and beets planted and are awaiting germination and then our ongoing battle to keep these root crops weeded.  We have beds ready and waiting for transplants of summer squash, cooking greens and more lettuce.  We are hoping to get these beds planted early next week.
This week’s rain has kept us for the most part out of the fields and has given us the opportunity to seed flats and flats of seeds.  The seed house is now full of trays of germinating seeds. We continue to seed greens and also seed our true summer crops, tomatoes, eggplant, more squash, eggplant and more.  We have moved kale, scallions and chard outside to harden off before being planted out next week.  Any ground cherry fans out there?  Those were seeded yesterday!  Stay tuned for more information on ground cherries as they appear on the order list towards the middle of summer.

Are you looking to purchase some of our products before the start of our CSA and farm market season?  We will be at the Fit Food Fest at Changes Health and Fitness at 37 Tener Street in Luzerne this Saturday (May 7) from 11 to 3.  This is a pop us farmers market with a number of farms and other local producers selling their wares.  We will have plenty of eggs for sale, as well as pastured chicken and pork.  Farmer Don will also be harvesting some greens, but these will be in limited quantities, so come early for the best selection.  If you are in the area, be sure to stop by and pick up some local nutrient dense foods, learn about our CSA and meet your farmer.  This market is inside, so don’t let the threat of showers keep you home!

Speaking of the CSA.  Welcome and Thank You to all members who have signed up and sent in their payments.  We do still have memberships available for 2016, but please remember memberships are reserved in order in which payment is received.  Please visit our website ( or contact us at the farm for more information.

Since we will be at Changes Health and Fitness in Luzerne on Saturday, the buying club, will once again not be open for ordering this week.  But, watch your emails, as we are planning on some spring buying clubs.  Ordering will be announced via email and on our facebook site.
We have added a new Mountain Top drop site for 2016.  We are excited to be dropping boxes at Crestwood Pharmacy.  If you have already signed up at a different site, but would like to switch to Crestwood Pharmacy, please contact the farm and we will update your account.  In the next week, members should be able to select the Pharmacy as a drop site.  If you have difficulty, please contact us.

We have been busy lining up our farm market schedule for 2016.  We are happy to be returning to the Back Mountain Memorial Library Market in Dallas, on Saturdays, at the elementary school.  We will also be, once again, setting up a table at Forks Farm Market in Orangeville and the Mountain Top Market at the Crestwood High School.  In addition, we are in planning stages of adding the Pittston Farmers Market to our market schedule this year.  Stay tuned for more details on when these markets open.

Ok, time to move on to my next task!  Be safe, be well and soon we will all be enjoying those veggies!

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