Thursday, June 16, 2016

2016 Week 2 CSA Newsletter

Greetings from Dancing Hen Farm!  Welcome to Week 2.  This is NOT an egg week.  Ordering opened at 6 pm Thursday and closes at 6 pm Sunday.  Deliveries are on Tuesday.

I have to admit the weather has been fairly uneventful recently.  Or maybe I am just not remembering?  Today's rain was nice and needed.  Although we have irrigation here on farm, there is nothing like a nice soaking rain.  This week, on Monday, we celebrate the Summer Solstice.  The summer solstice brings the longest day length of the season.  Monday night is also a full moon, so even the night will seem light!  Time to get out and enjoy summer! 

New to your CSA choice this week are peas, tomatoes and scallions.  Yes, tomatoes!  Our Amish neighbor is already starting to harvest some early tomatoes out of his greenhouse and we were able to purchase some from him for our members to enjoy.  These are certified organic tomatoes.  Being the first of the harvest, they may still be small and a bit green.  Allow them to ripen a bit on your counter before you use them.  Dancing Hen Farm tomatoes are quite a few weeks from harvest.  The peas are ours and are starting to come on strong.  Currently we are harvesting snow and snap peas, with shelling peas a bit later in June.  These first harvest of peas, so sweet and tender are one of my favorite seasonal veggies!  Both snow and snap peas are, as my Mother would say, "pea pods".  Meaning, no need to shell them, eat the pods!  We also have a spicy salad mix on the choice this week.  Spicy salad mix, is a mix of lettuces and mustard greens.  Of everything we grow, spicy salad mix is one of Farmer Don's favorites.  The mustard greens adds an almost horse radish flavor to the mix. 

One of my favorite ways to prepare peas uses several items we are harvesting.  I like to saute the peas with garlic scapes and a bit of thyme.  Simply mince the scapes, saute them briefly in some oil, add the peas with some fresh thyme and continue to cook until the peas become tender, but still maintain their bright green color.  Peas can also be added raw to salads.  Or eaten right out of the pint box on the way home from your CSA pick up site! 

In the coming weeks, you should see cucumbers fairly soon and our first harvest of new red potatoes.  Both of these crops are flowering nicely and it won't be long before we begin to harvest.  Greens, cooking and salad, will continue to be available.  Our first planting of green beans are looking good, but have not flowered yet, so it will be a few weeks before they are making beans and ready for harvest.  The first planting of summer squash is continuing to produce and our second planting is in the ground and should be producing soon.  We will continue to have a variety of herbs available throughout the season. 

People often ask Farmer Don and I how to prepare different veggies which we grow.  We both love to cook (and eat!) and have our own favorite vegetables and favorite ways to prepare them.  We also have a nice library of cookbooks.  Although we are not vegetarians, we are big fans of Deborah Madison.  Our library contains many of her books with Vegetable Literacy  being a farm favorite.  Alice Waters also has also authored some great cookbooks, including The Art of Simple Food II.  In this cookbook, Waters focuses on vegetables, fruits and herbs.  We find both of these cookbooks filled with fairly simple recipes which really highlight the vegetables. 

For CSA buying club members, you will see chicken and quite a bit of pork on the list.  Both of these meats are raised here, on farm, on our pastures.  The bacon and ham are cured with a nitrate free cure.  We are also offering Alaskan salmon from our friends at Wild for Salmon.  In addition you will see mixed dried herbs available.  These herb mixes are from a neighboring farm and are a staple in our kitchen.  With the addition of some coarse salt and freshly ground pepper, these herb mixes make wonderful rubs for your favorite meats.  We will be adding additional items to the buying club as the season continues.

A quick note, concerning reduce and reuse.  We try hard to reduce our contribution to landfills and reduce our carbon footprint.  One way we do this is by, whenever possible, reusing packaging from your weekly shares.  As you all know, we reuse the wax produce boxes your shares are packed in.  We also reuse the green berry boxes items are portioned into and clean dozen sized egg cartons.  Any of these items can be returned to your pick up site for us to pick up.

In closing I want to wish all the Dads out there a Happy Father's Day!

And as Farmer Don would say:  "be safe, be well and enjoy those veggies".

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