Thursday, April 21, 2022

Buying Club April 23


Greetings from Dancing Hen Farm!

Farmers Don and Phil will be out and about on Saturday (April 23) delivering buying club orders.  These are preorders placed on our website through the winter buying club.  Ordering for Saturday's buying club ends tonight at 5 pm.  If you have questions or are having trouble navigating the website, please contact us at the farm.  We will do what we can to help you place and order and get some local products to you.  Farmers Neil and Krislyn have been busy and are supplying the buying club with some tender spring greens as well as some wild harvested ramps.  Dancing Hen Farm has a good supply of eggs, pastured pork and some storage crops available 

How about this weather?  Spring in Pennsylvania is always a bit of a roller coaster ride.  Recently that ride has been on the wild side.  Lows in the low 20's and upper teens, followed by 7 plus inches of snow, and a couple of days in the upper 70's, has left us all a holding on waiting for the next curve Mother Nature has up her sleeve.  And yes the ride continues, we had snow, lots of snow, on Tuesday and 80 and sun is predicted on Sunday.  Hard weather to farm in!  This time of year we are even more obsessed with the weather.  Waiting patiently for fields to dry and overnight temperatures to stay warm enough to sustain our summer crop transplants. 

In spite of the weather we have been busy!  Farmer Don was able to get peas planted a couple of weeks ago.  Not quite St Patrick's Day, but we were so happy to get them in before the snow.  Now we will wait for the soil to warm just a bit for germination.  We have other fields worked and ready for planting as soon as things dry out a bit.  After peas, we usually plant onions and potatoes, followed closely by greens, both salad and cooking greens.  True summer crops, such as tomatoes, peppers and squash, will not be planted until after the threat of frost.  For our farm we consider the very end of May or the first of June to be a safe no frost date for planting these more tender crops. 

 Just a quick update on our instagram account.  Our instagram account is @Dancing_Hen_Farm.  Sorry for any confusion, Farmer Don had someone help him put instagram on his phone and they decided to create a new account.  Farmer Don will be using this account throughout the season to keep everyone updated on farm activities.  So go ahead follow him and enjoy the pictures he has been taking!

 There is still much to tell, including some Dilly stories, but I will end here for today.  As usual, I have been working on this newsletter all day!  Crazy how I can write all day and get very little written.  So my friends, be well, be safe and send us some warm weather vibes.



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