Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Transplants on the Buying Club!

Greeting from a windy Dancing Hen Farm!

 Ordering is open for this weekend's buying club deliveries.  This our final buying club before Memorial Day; as we will not be delivering Memorial Day weekend.  This is also most likely our final buying club before our CSA starts up. The items to look for on this week's buying club include transplants.  Farmers Neil and Krislyn at Seedling Creek, have worked hard to produce some beautiful, healthy transplants; tomatoes, peppers and flowers.  These are large, healthy plants and are ready to help you get your garden growing.  Kale, braising mix, spinach and beet greens are ready to help you reach your healthy, local, eating goals!  So happy ordering!  Farmers Don and Phil are eager to see everyone on Saturday.

 We have really had a nice run of beautiful weather.  Warm sunshine and little rain.  To the point where a day of slow, steady, rain would be a welcome site.  We are actually quite dry here on farm.  We are lucky to have irrigation on farm, but most crops really need a nice soaking rain to get them established.  We did not get the promised rains over the weekend or on Monday.  We have had some showers, but not nearly enough moisture.  They are saying there is a possibility of showers tonight, we will see if we get any.

 So this newsletter was going to be about insects, specifically, the hated flea beetles destroying our arugula.  But, Dilly steals the show again. 

Yesterday, I was sitting on the couch doing some computer updates, ok fine, I was actually taking a little nap!  When Dilly about scared me to death.  Suddenly she left out a howling bark like I have never heard from her before.  She was not happy about something or someone.  Dilly had been napping on the porch in the sun, one of her favorite activities.  I waited a bit to get up, because sometimes when I get up to see what she is barking at, my actions act like a release, and Dilly goes after whatever she is upset about.  So, I sat on the couch for a few more minutes and listened her run back and forth on the back porch making a huge racket.  Then I saw a large white blur go by the front window.  A huge dog!  Afraid someone was walking the dog and Dilly was about to bite them, I got up and looked out the window.  At that moment 2 huge dogs, the white one and an even larger black one went strolling by the window and started up onto the back porch.  This made Dilly really go ballistic.  Every hair on her back was standing up and she was crouching low to the ground as she lunged at the two stray dogs.  She proceeded to chase them back onto the road!  Of course, my dog Mommy instinct kicked in and I rushed out onto the porch just as Dilly was making her way back.  She was still really upset, barking and running from side to side on the porch looking around the house for the dogs.  I started screaming for her and did manage to get her into the house.  Dill was not happy to be in the house when she still had two villains to run off.  Eventually Dilly calmed down and I called my sister to come and check our chickens for me (Thanks Sis).  Luckily the dogs did not seem to have chicken on their minds and I was told another neighbor had the stray dogs and was going to post their information on facebook.  It seems the owners have already been found!  And other than being a bit tired, Dilly is no worse for the wear.  Another Dilly adventure and luckily another real disaster avoided.

Our kitchen has not been real exciting recently.  We are still enjoying spring greens and still eating out of our stored food from last season.  And of course, we are eating a lot of leftovers.  With only two in our family, we seem to have so many leftovers!  Leftovers are nice this time of year, when Farmer Don is so busy in the fields.  It allows for us to get supper together quickly, without a huge amount of pressure for him to be inside to eat at a certain time.  Life is good here and anytime we can make things run more smoothly is great.

Despite the fickle spring weather, we are still scheduled to start CSA deliveries the second week of June. And that day is almost here!  We do still have a few memberships available.  Please remember, unless you have contacted us, we do need to have your payment in full before the start of the season.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

 And don't forget about buying club this weekend.  This is your chance to get a jumpstart on your own garden with some transplants or to enjoy the taste of spring with some tender spring greens.  Again, if you have questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us.

Thanks again for your continued support and for allowing us to grow and produce food for you and your family.  We are humbled to have such a loyal group of supporters!

Believe it or not it is looking a bit like rain!  I need to wrap this up and get my laundry off the line before it gets a second rinse.

be well, my friends

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