Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Greetings and Welcome to Week 7!

The big news here on farm is the weather.  The calendar says July, but the weather feels more like September!  We aren't complaining, but some of our plants are.  This cool weather presents the perfect storm for diseases in our squash, cucumbers, tomatoes and potatoes.  We are trying to keep ahead of the plant diseases, but this is very challenging in an organic system.  Most of these diseases are caused by fungi which are spread by the air currents from farm to farm, garden to garden and plant to plant.  Right now as I sit looking out at the bank of fog encasing our tomato field, all I can think, is the perfect storm continues.

This week we harvested our entire crops of sweet onions and garlic.  The sweet onions have been and will continue to go out in boxes  These onions are considered a non-storage onion, so we cure them slightly, but they are not intended to be stored for winter consumption.  Our garlic on the other had will be cured for 2 to 4 weeks to allow the papery outer skin to dry.  Garlic will start going out in boxes in the next month and will continue to be available throughout the CSA season. 

Our cucumbers and summer squash are starting to wind down.  We do have another planting coming on, but we anticipate a small lapse in availability as this next planting matures.  Our cucumbers and squash have done well this year and we hope our members have been enjoying them as much as we have.  Speaking of squash, our winter squash is looking really beautiful this year!  We have high hopes for a nice harvest. 

Here's another friendly reminder concerning our boxes.  Please remember to treat share boxes gently and return them for us to re-use.  Sliding the tops, rather than pulling on them, will prevent tearing of the tabs.  We also re-use egg cartons and the small green berry boxes some items come packaged in.  Thank you, by reusing these items we are making our farm a more sustainable system. 

We have chicken available through our buying club or for purchase at the Back Mountain Memorial Library or on farm.  We sell full and half broiler chickens and full stewing hens.  All chickens are managed organically, with continual access to grass, bugs and fresh air.  If you have questions about our chicken or the buying club, please contact us at the farm.

Speaking of Back Mountain Memorial Library Farm Market.  Farmer Don will be at market this Saturday from 9 am to 2 pm.  Stop by and say hello!  Remember to arrive early for the best selection.

The fog has now lifted from the tomatoes.  Time to move on to the next task.  Until next week.  Be safe, be well and enjoy the veggies.

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