Tuesday, November 15, 2016

November 15 Farm News

Greetings from Dancing Hen Farm! 

With our main season over we have moved into our extended season.  This is the first week of our 4 week extended season CSA.  Today is delivery day.  If you have signed up for the extension, you should have received an email from us yesterday.  If you have NOT received the email, please contact us.

The other way we extend our market and CSA season is through our winter buying club.  Ordering for buying club is now open and will close Thursday morning at 5 am.  Deliveries are to Bloomsburg Friday night and to Dallas, Forty Fort and Mountain Top on Saturday morning.  On farm pickups are anytime after 4 pm on Friday.  If you need information on our pick up sites, including times and exact location, please see our website or contact us at the farm. 

Pork -- Our 2016 pork is here and available for purchase.  We are sold out of bulk/freezer pork, but individual cuts are available.  Last night Farmer Don updated our buying club availability to reflect the new inventory.  This means pork chops and bacon are again available! 

Haven't we been having some beautiful fall days recently?  Wow!  Cool mornings, sunny warmer afternoons.  I love this weather, I just wish the days were a bit longer.  It seems a change is on its way.  The forecast is for cloudy and highs in the 30's on Monday.  And maybe even some snow!  Did everyone get a chance to view the super moon?  A bit cloudy last night, but Sunday night the November beaver moon was huge and bright over the farm. 

On farm, we are entering into winter mode.  Days are short meaning hours to get farm projects done are also short.  Once the freeze of winter sets in, we spend most of our time and energy on keeping our chickens supplied with warm water and keeping our woodstove supplied with split firewood.  But for now, some of our fields still have greens in them for harvest.  Farmer Don has them tucked under plastic row covers to keep them a bit warmer.  We should be able to harvest these greens for the next several weeks.  Many of them will overwinter and we will again harvest in the early spring.  We are also working on getting our chicken houses ready for winter.  In the summer we put shade cloth on the coops to keep the temperatures down.  In winter, this shade cloth is removed to maximize the heating of the sun for the chickens.  Other fall farm projects include garlic planting.  In the next week we will finish planting our garlic for 2017 harvest. 

It is hard to believe that next week is already Thanksgiving!  We will be roasting a turkey this year.  Our menu is always very traditional and we are excited that, once again, most everything on our table will have been grown within 5 miles of our farm.  One of the many things to be thankful for! 

Speaking of Thanksgiving, our friends at Forks Farm will be hosting their annual Turkey Day Market on Tuesday, November 22.  This is always a fun and festive market and although we will not be there as a vendor, we will be there shopping and picking up our turkey.  If you have never been to a Turkey Day, I would encourage you to visit.  The market is open from 1 to 6 pm.  If you haven't purchased your turkey yet, you may want to contact the Hopkins and see if they have turkey still available.  www.forksfarmmarket.com

Well, it seems I didn't have too much inspiration for this newsletter, but the sun is now up and I need to move on to my next task.  Time to get this newsletter posted to our website. 

Thanks again to everyone for their continued support.  Have a great week!

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